Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
50 Plus Triumphers' Participate in Meech Lake Triathlon 2019!


The water was a bit rough and the temperatures hot, but triathlon IS an outdoor sport, so we roll with the punches! It was an honor to watch you all test your limits, high five you at the finish line and place medals on our top triathletes. Will Manning-Dewar earned the fastest male Triumpher of the race in a time of 1:42:56 and Stephanie Obaseki-Johnson was our fastest female at 1:45:52.


Fastest Swimmers
Anna - 20:33
Don - 22:07

Fastest Cyclists
Glen - 49:16
Stephanie - 51:49

Fastest Runners
Will - 29:03
Stephanie - 32:29 

Will Manning-Dewar
Stephanie Obaseki-Johnson - 1st AG - 5th overall
Glen Paradis
Kevin Mercer - 3rd AG
Laurent Lenert
Anna Aylett - 2nd AG, 9th overall - HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY!!
Doreen Lipovski - 3rd AG
Stephane Seillier
Don Andersen
Harry Briggs
Dan Begin
Cecile Beaurepaire
Janet Whitley
Erik Shantz - 1st triathlon!
Byron Johnson - 1st AG
Pat Konantz - 2nd AG
Karen St-Arnaud
Sue Bennett - 3rd AG
Dawn Haworth
Christine Demers
Diane Bergeron - a blind triathlete was guided by Kory MacDonald
Team - Karen Brennan and Mellisa Cunningham

Congratulations to Jennifer Rae Brown for placing 2nd in her age group.




The Mike Collingwood Meech Lake Triathlon is all about its volunteers. Mike Collingwood, Julia's swim coach, and former race director was a keen volunteer. Every weekend you would see him at 2 and sometimes 3 events lending a hand. For that reason and many more... we recognize our volunteers as much as our athletes as they are the pillar of what our community is built on. Great volunteers = Great races! 

I was so happy to see such a big turnout from Team Triumph this year. Whether you coordinated an area, baked treats, served food, parked cars, body marked, set-up, cleaned up, marshaled or did race kit pick-up you are all superstars for making this event the tremendous success it was. 

A HUGE thank you to Martin for coordinating all of the volunteers. This is a huge job that takes long hours of asking, begging and then plotting into different tasks, over a few weeks. He is always the first to arrive on site (5:10 AM this year) and the last to leave, and without him, we wouldn't be able to put on this event. Pauline also had a big job coordinating all of the baking and making sure that all of the supplies were ready to go. Thank YOU to both of you!!!

It is always nice to have Sue Martin-Bush at the race (pictured above) with her grand-daughter. Sue started this race 37 years ago when she was the Fitness Director at the OAC. There were 3 generations of Martin-Bush girls at the race and lots of her family: her daughter Kate, niece Melissa Cunningham and sister Karen Brennan. Thanks for being there!

Thank You to ALL of our Volunteers!

Martin - Volunteer Coordinator
Pauline - Food Coordinator
David Goldsmith and Kevin Willis - Bike Course Coordinators
Heather Eberts - Body Marking Coordinator and Race Kit Pick-Up - on her BIRTHDAY !!
Sue Martin-Bush - Race Kit pick up both days
Monique Beland - provided 80 pieces of banana bread and 100 mini cups of nuts!

On-Site Volunteer Team 
Cary Willis, Linda Lafrance, Annemarieke Goldsmith, Anne Edwards, Langley Muir, Anna and Mark Belanger and their kids Aviana and Seb, Patrick Wong and son Nathan, France Girard, Emily Graves, Carl Vaillancourt and daughter Annika, Harry Brigg's kids Sofie and Freya, Marina Couet, Pedro Ibarra and kids Aiden & Bianca.

Baking Team
Julia Vlaming, Louise Lewis James, Anne Edwards, Cary Willis, Debi Zaret, Christine Demers, Mary, Gillian Scobie, Lucie Villeneuve, Pauline Lynch Stewart, France Girard, Cecile Beaurepaire, Sue Martin-Bush, Linda Lafrance, Jennifer Rae-Brown, Renee Robert, Heather Dunn, Karen St Arnaud, Janet Whitley, Paige Anderson, Sofie and Freya Briggs.

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