Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Toronto Triathlon Festival - Coach Julia vs Son

Son vs Mum
And the Winner is.....

What a blast we had today at the Toronto Triathlon Festival!! This race was a first for me and a great experience. Over the Christmas holidays, I challenged my son Ryan who is now 25 to a triathlon. He is working in the financial industry in Toronto so needed a little extra incentive from Mum to kick his butt out of the office and get to the gym! I had coached him and his brother when they raced in Kids of Steel but he hasn't done a triathlon since he was about 10 years old.

Even though the temps were baking hot, I had been warned that the water temperature never really warms up so I was happy I decided to wear my wetsuit. I didn't start until 10 am so we were baking in the sun waiting to start. The swim is a loop inside the harbor so there was not too much chop. 

The bike course takes you up along the Gardiner Expressway. It was faaaast with a false flat on the way out and sweet speed on the way back. The run was pretty much the same a false flat on the way out with a tailwind and nice slight downhill to push you to the finish.

Ryan started 30 minutes before me so I had no idea how he was doing. It was his first time riding a road bike and clipping in and he didn't have a wetsuit - so I thought I had a bit of an advantage but there was no stopping my competitive son. What a joy to get the biggest HUG from him at the finish line only to discover he beat me by 6 minutes and 42 seconds coming in 8th out of 58 men in his age category!!

Here's how it played out:
Swim - T1 - Bike - T2 - Run - Finish:
Mom - 12:18 - 3:16 - 32:50 - 2:26 - 27:54 - 1:18:44
Ryan - 12:51 - 2:24 - 32:08 - 1:50 - 22:49 - 1:12:02

Such Pride, Love, and Respect for this young man.

Coach Mom




And if my day day couldn't get any better, my all-time athlete hero Simon Whitfield presented me with my 3rd place finish. I was sure to tell him that he is my hero and that I have so much appreciation for how much he has influenced so many people in Canada to get into triathlon and keep a healthy and fit lifestyle. 

Sue Bennett was also on the podium today and she placed 3rd in her age category!! She is hard at training getting ready to compete at the World Championships in Lausanne, Switzerland on September 1st. Congratulations Sue!!!


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