Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Fall Racing at its Best


What an incredible week in Lausanne Switzerland at the ITU World Championships! Team Triumpher, Sue Bennett and I marched at the parade of nations with our fellow Team Canada mates. We checked out the course and there was one steep climb and one really steep descent just to add to the excitement. The water looked like a calm ocean. It was a beautiful green, blue and wonderfully clear. When race day arrived the water was a bit rough but Sue took it all in stride and hit her target in all three events making it to the finish line and coming in 28th in the world!! Congratulations Sue!! We are all so incredibly proud of you!

Unfortunately, I was too ill to compete due to a month-long struggle with giardiasis but I was happy to be there for Sue and watch the other racers. What a thrill it was to watch the elite Juniors racers and our future Olympians! The women's race was particularly exciting and actually brought tears to my eyes at the finish because it was so close. I have been following the top 3 women for several years now and they are amazing triathletes to watch.

I look forward to being in Edmonton for the world's next August with our Team Triumph crew who have qualified: Jeff Yateman, Debi Zaret, Stephanie Obaseki-Johnson and Sue Bennett.

Here are some awesome results from the past few weekends....


Anna Aylett - 2nd in AG in Olympic Distance
Cecile Beaurepaire - Olympic Distance
Dan Begin - Olympic Distance
Louise Lewis James - Sprint
Glen Paradis - Olympic

MAINE 70.3
Stephan Sellier
Elle Wubbs 
Sue Mackey 


Suzanne Rivest - 2nd in AG Supersprint
Brad Vlaming - 1st triathlon - 3rd in AG Sprint
Louise Lewis-James - 2nd in AG Sprint
Anna Belanger - 3rd in AG Sprint
France Girard - 1st 70.3 - 2nd in AG Half Ironman
Steve Swanwick - 3rd in AG Half Ironman
Darcy Yee - 1st Olympic Distance!


Glen Paradis - 70.3
Byron Johnson - 2nd in AG 
Coach Maggie - 2nd in AG
Erik Shantz - Sprint Triathlon


Congratulations to Lucie Villeneuve for completing the Yung Frau marathon. She worked diligently all Summer in the Gats doing her hill repeats during our trail runs and riding the hills. She reported that all of the great training helped her to complete this challenging marathon with an elevation gain of 1829 meters. Way to go Lucie!




Before and After Photos
from Esprit Montreal 70.3


Louise Lewis-James and Cécile Beaurepaire

An Honest Cornwall Race Report from Cécile

How not to prepare for a triathlon, by me:
1. Do a big race in June, feel smug, and then don't do any kind of training all summer but sign up for an Olympic distance at the end of August.
2. The morning of - leave the house a little too late (as usual). That's fine, will still get there with 30 mins before go time.
3. On the highway, notice a car in front of you with two road bikes on their rack. Convince yourself that they're going to the same event as you are so you just follow them like the slightly sleepy sheep that you are. 
4. Realize that they're NOT GOING TO THE EVENT and you've just missed the exit. Swear a lot, loudly.
5. Drive to the next exit (6km away). Now you're not going to have 30 min before go time...
6. Finally, get there. Run to registration/chip pickup/body marking. Drop off the bike, thank volunteer profusely for helping to put all the stickers on the bike (so many stickers), run like a maniac to the water's edge (that's your warmup!). 
7. Start stuffing yourself in your wetsuit (is it tighter than it used to be? Weird). Avoid dirty looks from spectators who are silently (and some not so silently) judging you for showing up late. Enroll friendly spectator in helping you stuff yourself inside your wetsuit.
8. Hobble down to the water. Congratulate yourself on making it. Gun goes off, time to do this. 
9. Make it across the finish line without dying. Have a laugh with your friends about how fun it was and how you can't wait to do it again. Eat pizza and cookies with other lycra-clad and sweaty/stinky people. 
10. Go home and take a two-hour nap on the couch.


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