Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store


As some of us may have experienced, stomach issues during an endurance event are not fun! Finding the right fuel, electrolytes and water consumption before and during a race is key but sometimes it just doesn't work out. 

Here is France Girard's Honest Race Report:

The perfect Fall day to have a competition!

The best part of all those races is the little turkey trot at the beginning of the morning. All those little kids from 2 years old and up running around the track with their parents and their grandparents cheering them! Lovely! 


About 200 adults participated in the half and the marathon, just the perfect number not to feel overwhelmed for the turtle that I am!!! 


I had my best time going up the hill to the turnaround. Going down was not bad until the 16 km mark when I started to have stomach cramps. From then on, I looked at every bush, tree or driveway if someone could help. But no chance, I had to keep on moving. Finally, I got to the last leg, around the museum ground, sssoooo llllooonnnnggggg!

Please give me my medal as quickly as possible! All I was looking for was….the toilet! The porta-potty never looked so good!!! What a relief, I made it!!!


All around it was a perfect day, and the best part was on my way back home my Chummy had painted the kitchen! Now we are ready to stuff ourselves with turkey and goodies!

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