Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store


New Team Triumpher France Saint-Denis (far left) and Coach Julia won gold and silver for the most points in their age category for triathlon at the Somersault Champions Challenge Awards on Friday evening. Gary Maxwell also won in the duathlon category. Congratulations everyone!! We had a lovely dinner hosted by Christine McKinty and Ian Fraser of Somersault and it was great to catch-up with friends from the race circuit.

We like to keep our members motivated, and one way we do that is host challenges. Our Lift Heavy Stuff challenge is just finishing up, but this past weekend we caught Coach Maggie and Coach Julia doing their strength training after a tough 90 min spin! #leadingbyexample



Another thing we like to do, especially around the Holiday season is to donate to a local charity. This year at our Team Christmas Party we will be collecting Grocerie gift cards to donate to WOMEN at the WELL, an organization that helps families in need. (https//

Please feel free to pick this as your charity this Holiday Season and share it on your social channels.






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