One of the members of Team Triumph had posted that their trail race had been canceled, but the Race Director was going to send anyone who had signed up and still decided to complete the race distance a pair of socks for doing so.
This got me thinking that I would like to do something similar for the 45 members who participated in the Team Triumph Virtual St. Patricks Day run. I decided that a headband would be nice.
On Thursday and Friday of last week, me and my Director of Logistics, Martin Couet, set out to hand-deliver the headbands to anyone who lived locally.
As we drove, walked or mailed the prizes I kept thinking how incredibly grateful I felt to have these people as part of my club. I realized just how far they drove to be part of our tribe.

What a cool experience it was driving around and seeing where they lived. We saw people in Pj's at 4 pm in the afternoon, we met Julia and Brad's Vlaming's sweet new baby, we felt the stress that Louise Lewis James is managing with 3 kids and her ill Mother at home and sent her virtual hugs. We smelled the delicious home-cooked meals you were preparing, we saw Stephanie Obaseki-Johnson kids and Cecile Beaurepaire's kids waving in the window, we met a few of your barking dogs and we saw people sweaty after their workouts! I was happy to be able to give Brenda Ross a virtual hug and thank her for supporting the daily administration to help turn Team Triumph into a virtual club.
What a fulfilling couple of days.
 | Jenn Kellar & Bob Browne getting ready for their indoor ride! |
 | Julia Vlaming is back to post natal workouts! |
 | Brad Vlaming and his son are really missing swimming! |
 | Jennifer Rae-Brown keeping her head warm with her headband, and her heart warm with a cuppa tea. |
 | Anna Belanger channelling her beast mode on Coach Kevin's Zwift Ride! |
 | Stephanie heading out for a run! |
 | Brenda in the Team Triumph virtual office! |
 | Josee Perreault showing us that we don't need a pool to keep on swimming!! |
 | Debi Zaret out on a run! |
"Prepping for the week ahead. After last week’s marathon of all-day google hangouts, keeping my #TeamTriumph band close by to remind me to build in and protect « well-being « time." |
 | Joanne Beveridge running at the Beechwood Cemetery. A great place to get your hill training in! |
 | Shawn Charland on his Vasa trainer! It doesn't get any closer to swimming than that!! |
#COVID19 #virtualchallenge #virtual #challenge #givingback #teamtriumph #ottawatriathlonclub