Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store

Due to the current rules, we are still not able to gather in a group of more than 5 people, so we suggest that when heading out, pack your own water and snacks so you don't have to stop at stores without a mask on, however, if you are doing a long-distance ride/run that will require that you stop to restock your hydration, carry a mask in a plastic bag so you are prepared or have a family member meet you with the necessary supplies so you can restock.

Our club is sanctioned through Triathlon Ontario. They have made it clear that we are not permitted to gather in a group of more than 5 and we must maintain a physical distance of at least 2 meters. When cycling it makes it tricky not to take up a lot of space on the road so other people can't pass BUT.... please do your best to adhere to this guideline.


With the lake's opening, we are all eager to get int the water, but for your safety, we want to make sure that you are not swimming alone. We have created a swim buddy program on our private Facebook page so you can swim with one or two buddies at your own pace. Feel free to comment in the box and let everyone know what times/days you would like to swim and your pace per 100m in open water. Remember to always swim with a float, wear your wetsuit, and keep the distances shorter in cold water.

After your swim please share a picture and add a report of water conditions and where you went for all to discover.

This week we are challenging you to do two long rides back to back: 25k/25k or maybe 50k/50k, 50k/100k, or for those who are well trained up 100k/100k or maybe more! Once you've completed it post your challenge complete on Strava with a picture :) or send us an email.

Make your fitness and health your priority!

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