Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store

Cory got in touch with us at the beginning of the Summer to set up a private open water lesson and ask for a few tips about getting started for triathlon training. After another lesson and then a bike transition training session he was ready to launch his triathlon career! He is one of the few people who actually was able to do a real race at the Esprit Triathlon in Montreal. Way to go, Cory, we are so happy for you! 

I have long been wanting to give triathlon a try and COVID presented the perfect opportunity. I took the time I normally spend commuting to and from work and used it to train for my first triathlon.

First, I started swimming at Brittania Beach, as I was going with my family 3 days a week anyway. 

Next, I bought a used bike from my neighbour and... my season began!

Shortly after training started, my brother in law informed me that he completed his first Sprint Tri in 1hr 24m…Now I had a goal…Must beat brother in law!  Ha ha!!

The training proved to be more fun than anything I had experienced in the past due to the variety. I found the Team Triumph Strava page highly motivating. Although I may have to pick up some gig work on top of my regular job, to afford all the gear!

Fortunately, the race went better than expected, with pristine conditions. I'm looking forward to an Olympic tri next year.

Thanks to Coach Julia for all of your help and advice, it made a huge difference!


Darius came to Canada last Fall to represent Lithuania at the Embassy. He has done an Ironman in Copenhagen and was excited to try the infamous Mt Tremblant Ironman this Summer. Training has been a bit of a challenge since he decided he wanted to go home to see family and friends for 3 weeks and then when he returned he had to be in self-isolation for 2 full weeks and do all of his training indoors. 

Keeping the challenges in mind, we decided that a Half Ironman was a better choice and the Esprit Triathlon opened up for registration! Two days before the race, they cancelled the Half due to number restrictions at the race site. Darius decided that a duathlon was still in the cards and he would do it alone. He completed a duathlon in Montreal on Saturday in a great time!

Overcoming challenges has certainly been the theme for 2020 but I am so impressed by how our Tribe has continued to Triumph!

Congratulations Darius!!


Another brave triathlete was put to the test today! Congratulations to Ranya for completing the Esprit Sprint triathlon today as she described it in the torrential pouring rain and wind! She said that it was mentally tough to jump into the cold water. It took her 200m just to get her breathing rhythm settled down.

This was a fantastic accomplishment for Ranya given that the 1st time we met her at the end of last Summer she was a rank beginner and swam with her head above water. She worked with Coach Maggie all Summer on her swimming in Meech Lake. Those lessons gave her the confidence to jump into the cold washing machine today and execute a great sprint triathlon. Congrats Ranya on behalf of Coach Maggie, Kevin and I...we are all so proud of how far you have come!!

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