Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store

We are athletes and we love a good challenge! A good challenge is why we race and that's also what motivates us to train. With no live races going on, it continues to impress me how so many of you in Team Triumph are being creative in finding your own ways to challenge yourselves and or trying one of our challenges.

Read below to discover what challenges are going on!

What is going to challenge you in November??


Running a half marathon for the first time is a challenge in itself but Fred lives in Gatineau and loves to escape into the woods for his runs. He decided to train up to the half marathon distance and complete it on the beautiful, very hilly trails in Gatineau Park with his wife.

Congrats on completing your first half, Fred!!!

Here is his inspiring story!

After not doing any kind of serious training for the last couple of years, the isolation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic got me to find ways to stay mentally sane. I started running and cycling on a regular basis in June and by July I made the decision to start training for a triathlon.

One month in, I started looking into triathlon clubs in the region and that's when I found out about Team Triumph and got to meet Julia (virtually of course). Julia set me up on Training Peaks with an awesome training program and at some point in September, I traced this 21 km trail run that I really wanted to do before the snow arrived.

Before August my longest run ever was 11 km so we slowly increased the run distance to the point where this past weekend would be the big 21 km run.

My wife Emilie, being the amazing person that she is, decided to join in on this challenge. With all the rocky ups and downs, the mud and the multiple water streams, it took us just under 3h to complete the run. As I'm writing this, our legs are completely dead but we're already looking forward to the next challenge!

Way to challenge yourself, Fred and Emilie!!


Indoor 70.3 Triathlon
Bruno Baril made a fantastic attempt today to complete an indoor 70.3. duathlon but unfortunately his hip had other ideas. He completed the 5km run, 90km ride, and then at the 8km mark on the 2nd run, his hip said that was enough. So smart to shut it down Bruno! Congrats on a fine attempt!

Dan Begin completed a speedy half marathon on Saturday on his own! Congrats Dan, great work coming back from that calf injury in August!


This month we challenged our members to 14 rides of a minimum of 30 minutes either outside or on your trainer. 

1) Steve Swanwick - 38 Rides (he commutes to work a minimum of 30 mins and he has been riding on Zwift with us!)
2) Julia Vlaming - 24
3) Francois Menard - 22

Debi Zaret - 16
Julie Deimling - 16
Gary Maxwell - 16
Anita Taylor - 14
Brad Vlaming - 14
France Girard - 15
Fred Carle - 14
Randy Graham - 16
Erik Shantz - 14
Darius Skusevicius - 14
Heather Dunn - 16
Renee Robert - 14
France St Denis - 14

November we are challenging our members to strength train at least 20minutes 3 x a week. For this crew it should be no problem.

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