Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Athlete of the Week Spotlight: Byron Johnson - Defying Limits and Becoming an Ironman

In the world of triathlon, where determination knows no age and obstacles are mere stepping stones, Byron Johnson's journey stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and the human spirit. On August 20th, 2023, Byron achieved a remarkable feat: he completed his first Ironman at Mont Tremblant. His journey, spanning five years, was marked by setbacks, triumphs, and unwavering determination. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary journey of our Athlete of the Week, Byron Johnson.


A Five-Year Dream and the Road to Ironman

Byron's journey to Ironman was a culmination of a five-year plan, originally intended to be three years until the pandemic shifted the landscape. A retired public servant with adult children, Byron knew he could dedicate time to training, even as he balanced contract work. With a background in bike races, a coaching certification, and a love for long trail runs, Byron's passion for triathlon was ignited by the desire to unite his three favorite disciplines.

However, Byron faced a challenge: open-water swimming. Despite his experience in biking and running, he lacked a swim background. He joined forces with Team Triumph coaches in 2019 to enhance his swimming skills, especially in open water. His journey was met with challenges, including stiff ankles and anxiety, which Coach Julia and others helped him overcome through gradual progression.


Overcoming Setbacks: A Journey of Resilience

In the fall of 2019, a wrench was thrown into Byron's journey. Intense hip pain led to a diagnosis of severe arthritis, necessitating a hip replacement. Despite this setback, Byron's determination remained unyielding. A successful surgery in January 2021 and the support of a skilled surgeon enabled him to resume his biking and running endeavors by the summer of 2022. Working closely with Coach Julia and others, Byron focused on enhancing his swimming skills.


Triumph Over Anxiety and Doubt

Byron's journey was marked by his tenacity to conquer anxiety and doubt, especially in open water. Anxiety around other swimmers and a fear of leg cramps threatened his progress. A breakthrough with Coach Dawn helped him find comfort and composure in the water. This newfound sense of ease propelled him forward.


The Day of Ironman: A Triumph of Endurance

August 20th, 2023, marked a defining moment for Byron as he embarked on his Ironman journey. The 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike, and 42 km run loomed ahead, an endeavor never before undertaken in their entirety by his 70-plus-year-old body. Byron's meticulous preparation included Monday morning training sessions with Team Triumph at Meech Lake, featuring a swim with Coach Dawn, a bike with Coaches Kevin or Gabi, and a run on his own.


Conquering Challenges: Crossing the Finish Line

Byron's dedication bore fruit as he tackled each leg of the Ironman. Completing the 2-hour 7-minute swim was a victory in itself, given his anxiety and initial apprehension. The bike leg, taken conservatively, set the stage for the run, where he navigated the course with a mix of walking and running. As he descended toward the finish line, a rush of exhilaration fueled his steps. Hearing the announcement that he was an 'Ironman' marked the culmination of an incredible journey.


A Journey of Support and Achievement

Byron's journey wouldn't have been possible without the unwavering support of Team Triumph coaches and his wife, Kathleen, who stood by his side throughout. Byron's story underscores the power of a community united by passion and the resilience of an individual willing to push past boundaries.


A Triumph for All Ages

Byron Johnson's journey transcends age, illustrating that with determination, the guidance of coaches, and the support of loved ones, the unthinkable becomes achievable. His story serves as an inspiration to all those seeking to conquer challenges, redefine limits, and embrace the transformative power of triathlon. Byron's triumphant Ironman journey reminds us that the pursuit of a dream knows no age and that with the right mindset, every finish line is just the beginning of a new chapter.

We are so very proud of and for you Byron. Congratulations on your Ironman Finish. 


Julia Aimers
CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist
CSEP High-Performance Specialist

Certified Triathlon, Cycling, Yoga and Swimming Coach
USA Cycling Level 2 Coach
Training Peaks Accredited Coach



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