Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Team Triumph Shifting to Road Racing

For the members of Team Triumph, the thrill of conquering marathons and half-marathons in picturesque locations is not just a sport but a passion. The past few weeks have been brimming with achievements and personal bests, as our team members have once again demonstrated their resilience and commitment to reaching their goals. From the streets of Chicago to the stunning vistas of Victoria, their journey has been one of dedication, perseverance, and unwavering support.


Celebrating Successes

Our hearts swell with pride as we extend our warmest congratulations to the remarkable members of our team who have recently left their mark on the running world. France St-Denis, with sheer determination, triumphed at the Chicago Marathon, while Sarv Heirani set a new personal best at the Prince Edward County Half Marathon. Not to be outdone, the resilient Luc Lapensée (pictured) not only completed the challenging Victoria Marathon but also secured a spot in the prestigious Boston Marathon for 2025. Moreover, we applaud Denise Pittuck for her gold medal in the 5km Fall Colours Run in Ottawa. These accomplishments are a testament to the indomitable spirit and perseverance that define Team Triumph.


Luc's Victoria Marathon Journey

A standout among our triumphant members is Luc Lapensée, whose outstanding performance at the Victoria Marathon is worth highlighting. In his own words, "Victoria Marathon, what a stunning city!" Luc's journey to Victoria was more than just a race; it was an experience that combined the natural beauty of Canada with the exhilaration of the marathon atmosphere.

Luc's meticulous preparation and rigorous training regimen undoubtedly played a pivotal role in his extraordinary performance. With an impressive total time of 3h21:34, Luc secured an impressive overall ranking of 183 out of 1444 participants, further underscoring his unwavering dedication and talent. His gender and age group rankings, at 153/937 and 8/57 respectively, speak volumes about his commitment to excellence.

The challenges of the course, including substantial elevation changes and relentless headwinds, tested Luc's endurance. However, the unwavering support of Team Triumph and the well-placed aid stations along the route propelled him forward, proving that every step taken was a testament to his perseverance.


A Grateful Heart

In his heartfelt message, Luc expresses his gratitude to everyone who played a significant role in his success. His heartfelt appreciation extends to his employer, Lumen, for their unwavering support, acknowledging the crucial role their encouragement played in his journey. Luc also pays tribute to his coach, Julia, whose expertise and guidance sculpted him into the exceptional athlete he is today.

Furthermore, he acknowledges the crucial role played by his physiotherapist, Renee LeBlanc, in keeping him in top form. Last but certainly not least, Luc's heartfelt tribute to his wife, Marie Nathalie Moreau, emphasizes the unwavering support and love that became the cornerstone of his success.


A Journey Beyond the Finish Line

Luc's journey not only represents his personal triumph but also exemplifies the spirit of camaraderie and support that defines Team Triumph. As we celebrate his victory, we are reminded that every achievement is a culmination of dedication, sacrifice, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Luc's journey to the Boston Marathon is a testament to the belief that with perseverance and a strong support system, no dream is too ambitious, no finish line too distant.

At Team Triumph, we stand united in our commitment to push boundaries, overcome obstacles, and redefine what is possible. We look forward to witnessing more triumphs and celebrating the unwavering spirit that continues to drive our members forward, one race at a time.

Join us as we embark on more extraordinary journeys, transcend limits, and triumph together!


Julia Aimers
CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist
CSEP High-Performance Specialist

Certified Triathlon, Cycling, Yoga and Swimming Coach
USA Cycling Level 2 Coach
Training Peaks Accredited Coach

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