Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Ironman Syracuse 70.3 & Ottawa International Triathlon Championships!

KATRYNA FINISHES HER 1ST HALF IRONMAN IN SYRACUSE!! According to John, who also raced Syracuse on Sunday, the swim was choppy, the bike was really windy and the run was HOT, HOT, HOT!! But, the weather conditions didn't stop John or Katryna from finishing the Syracuse 70.3. Congratulations to you both! Katryna, a Mum of two young children started with Team Triumph in the Fall doing a few private swim lessons and spinning. She had completed a short triathlon last year on a hybrid bike and doing breast stroke. As I told her when we met, we have a sharp learning curve, but I made it my job to try to give her as much information possible to get her to the finish line. After that it was true grit training and determination on her part to get the job done. You've come a long way Katryna!! Way to go!! 

FOUR PODIUM FINISHES FOR TEAM TRIUMPH AT THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS! What an awesome weekend of racing at Dow's Lake! Congratulations to Adam Smart, Sharon Donnelly and the other race organizers for putting on a World class event! We had 6 Triumphers out at the race. Congrats to Drew and Sevak for putting in a fantastic effort into their events! It was my first draft legal race and I can't wait to do another one! The feeling of racing with a group of cyclists and working together just made the sport of triathlon more supportive and FUN than ever before. Talk about team work, when Lucie Tremblay's pack of cyclists came upon me in my Team Triumph uniform riding solo, she came up beside me and said jump in the line. A blessing after having ridden a good 8km on my own. What a great team we have! Thank you Lucie! Lucie and Pat both came in 2nd in their age categories and coach earned a 3rd in the Sprint. Coach Margaret came in 1st in her age category in the Olympic Distance race. We have now all qualified to go on to the World championships in 2018 in Australia!


681 people and Scott came in 2nd overall and 1st in his age category in a smoking fast time of 18:48!!! Way to go Scott!!

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