Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Team Triumph Rocks Tremblant Ironman Weekend!



Congratulations to Team Triumpher's past and present for completing the Ironman 70.3 and the 5150 in Mt Tremblant this weekend!! We are just in the door from an exciting day tracking Triumphers on the course. I was so impressed and proud of everyone out there doing the best with who they are and their life situations. Everyone has a story and a reason why. What's important is that you are all out there doing what so few people in this world can do. You all completed what you set out to do and hopefully had fun training and completing it.

Our top female athlete of the day was Laurie Gorman in a time of 5:10 and 7th overall in her age category. Our top male finisher was Phil Hodson in a time of 5:08. They were both so fast, I couldn't snap a picture of them!! Congratulations to Kory and Diane: Kory was a guide for Diane, a blind inspiring! Peter crossed the line as our oldest Triumpher in the 65-69 category and came in 9th in his age category. It was a great day for racing: not too hot and not too cold and just when it started to get hot the rain came down to cool everyone down. Well done everyone! Laurie Gorman - Personal Best Andrea Levesque - 1st Half Ironman Jamie Hurst - fast half marathon! Laurie Kloschinsky - 1st Half Ironman Andrew Webster - 1st Half Ironman Christine Demers - Personal Best Carl Vaillancourt - Personal Best Peter Cronyn - Personal Best Cheryl Turpin - Personal Best Don Andersen - Personal Best Kory McDonald (Guide) Phil Hodson - Personal Best France Girard (Olympic distance) - 1st Olympic Distance Triathlon


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