Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Tremblant Ironman Inspiration

It doesn't take much to complete an Ironman. It's a 4km Swim - 180km Bike - 42km Run. Easy right? I don't think so! It takes years of preparation to learn to be competent at all three sports, compete at shorter triathlons and train your butt off! These three athletes from Team Triumph proved that anything is possible when you have the will and determination to get to the finish line of an Ironman.


I guess I would have to say I am very happy with my race. I didn't have a time in mind, just to finish. It was an incredible experience.

I did the swim very conservatively since I knew I had a long day ahead. I had lots of energy coming out of the water and the first transition went well. For the bike I stuck to my nutrition plan that consisted of Bonk Bars, OnTap gels, salt caps and Skrtach drink. I experienced some cramping in my toes at around the 140km mark but I able to tough it out. My speed sensor on the rear wheel somehow got knocked out of alignment so I had to gauge my pace using my HRM. The part of the race I was most pleased about was T2. I had no cramps or soreness going into the run, for me that's a big relief. The run also went well. As with the bike I gauged my pace with the HRM to lessen my chances of bonking. The best part of the race though was being received at the finish line by Deb and the kids. They volunteered earlier in the day at the swim but they also received or caught the athletes when they finished their race. So that was very special. Something I will also never forget is the support I got from Deb and the kids during the training and racing of the Ironman. Deb had her own Ironman going on this past weekend, driving me to Mont Tremblant on Friday then coming back on Saturday with the kids. Volunteering and cheering all day Sunday and then driving us all home on Monday. I know I couldn't have done this event with out her love and support. Carl, you have proven to everyone in Team Triumph that anything is possible. You have taken a long and steady journey to completing your 1st Ironman and your patience with the process has paid off!! Congratulations, you are an inspiration to all of us and your family as well.


KORY MCDONALD'S RACE REPORT It's hard for me to put into words what an incredible experience it was to guide Diane Bergeron ( as she conquered Ironman Tremblant on Sunday, so here is the official race video to give you an idea of how the day unfolded. At the start of the video you can see Diane and the fabulous Cheryl Voordenhout ( , who started Diane on her path to triathlon and who guided her 2 years ago during her first attempt to scale IMMT. Cheryl was back giving us her support all day long and was there bawling at the finish line (THANKS!!!). A huge thanks to everyone who cheered us on, family (especially Stew McDonald ( and Linda McDonald ( and our fabulous kids), friends and strangers - I've never felt so much like a rockstar, with the crowds losing their minds every time they saw Diane. And of course Pedro ( , the man who makes everything possible, thank you, thank you, thank you for being there to shepherd our support crew around the course and to take care of us and all of our equipment. Finally, Diane, it was a day that I will never, ever, ever forget and my heart is bursting with pride for what you accomplished and for everyone that you inspired with what you did and, most importantly, how you did it. You didn't let that course kill your dream 2 years ago - you came back stronger and you owned it - including the hills of Duplessis (let it be known that Diane and I did not walk a single step of that brutal bike course)! Incredible and unforgettable. Congratulations Kory and Diane!! You two are an incredible pair. This picture sums up the love, devotion and respect that you have for each other. Living proof that without love, none of this would be possible! Click here to see the video from Ironman Tremblant on our Facebook page and see how many times you can spot Diane and Kory 
JAY SHAW'S IRONMAN REPORT My 3 year journey to becoming an Ironman ended in success! I finished in 11h37m48s which was slower than I wanted but overall the race went pretty well. I had challenges during each discipline and while that isn't ideal having to overcome those challenges was ideal because learning to handle them is a big part of endurance racing. As a result of being in the medical tent after last year's race 70.3 I was purposely cautious at times during this race. Being my first full IM race I was willing to sacrifice some time and wanted to enjoy the finish. Things went very well on the swim apart from fogged up goggles and I owe your swim coaching a big thanks. The bike went well but I had some stomach discomfort that required a unintended stop and the strong wind during the second 90K loop made things a bit slower than planned. I felt great starting the run and was slowing my pace perfectly to around 5.20 per KM. Sadly, I developed a deep stitch about 6 - 7K and while I managed to breathe through it I could not go faster than 5.40 per KM without it coming back. All was still well but at 13K my stomach pains returned and at 16K I had another unintended stop. This was unfortunate and actually made things worse as I became dizzy and needed some time to regroup. Kilometers 16 and 17 cost me 10 more minutes but I got going again thanks to the magic of Pepsi :-) I was able to keep running and had almost an even split for the marathon. It was unfortunate I could not push the pace as much as I wanted but I was happy to keep running and finished smiling. I realized that overall it went pretty well and that I had more to give and that is a much better feeling than being in the med tent :-) It was another learning experience and now I will have new goals to beat the next time I tackle an Ironman. Well done Jay!! If you remember Jay was the guy in the pool who had shoulder troubles and had to wear a shirt while swimming to keep his shoulder strapped back. Well it worked and it got him through the Ironman! 



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