Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Does Strength Training for Triathletes Make a Difference?

Does Strength Training for Triathletes really make a difference? I believe it does and so does Pauline. Pauline just finished her first Half Iron Swim 2km - Bike 90km Triathlon to celebrate her 60th Birthday!! With hard work in the gym, in the lake and on the bike, not only did she meet her expectations but she exceeded them!

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PAULINE'S HALF IRON SWIM - CYCLE JOURNEY What a fun race! I enjoyed every minute of the swimming and cycling. And it inspired renewed admiration for all of my friends in Team Triumph who jump off the bike after 90 km and run a half marathon! I don’t have much to say about the actual race. Except to again thank those who spent hours cheering me on from the sidelines (Don, Cristina, MJ, and Janet) and from the course (Renee). You energized me all the way to the finish line. Rather, I’d like to reflect back on the path I took to get to this race. After 10+ years of triathlon training, I decided in the fall of 2016 to cut back so I could spend more time on other commitments and hobbies. But by April 2017, I got a nasty wake up call. My fitness levels had dropped to the point that cycling, swimming and hiking weren’t as much fun anymore. Back to the drawing board to readjust that balance once again. Team Triumph training camp in Utah proved a turning point for me. On a hike in the Snow Canyon desert, Julia suggested I might find what I was looking for in a more focused approach to training with goals, accountability and structure. Back in Ottawa, we hatched a plan. First, I set my sights on the Canadian half-iron distance swim-cycle event scheduled for early September, the weekend I turned 60 — great way to kick off the celebration! Julia also encouraged me to do the National Capital Olympic distance swim-cycle in July at the same location, which was a brilliant way to get me feeling comfortable about racing again in general and about competing at the Mooney’s Bay site. Next, she developed a training program and laid it out in the Training Peaks application so we could both track my progress. But here’s the kicker… I also started strength and conditioning sessions with Julia in May. Those sessions have undoubtedly resulted in stronger and faster cycling and swimming within a relatively short period of time. My physical activities have become way more fun again! I am back in my happy place. Huge thanks to Julia for helping me regain — and surpass! — my fitness levels, and to all my training buddies, especially Renee and Cristina, for so much advice, support, and laughter. Team Triumph is the best!

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