Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Mont Tremblant Training Camp Recap and more.....


What an awesome couple of days of training in Mont Tremblant. Thank you to Maggie, Kevin, Brenda and Martin, our coaches and support crew who came up and made it one of our best camps yet! We had a last minute itinerary change which we all agreed was for the best due to the looming rain.

Everyone was in top form on day one to be able to complete their long rides and learn about group riding. The dinner and coaches' talk at Casey's covered everyone's survey questions and a few new gems from the 2018 Training Peaks conference in Manchester. 

On Friday we had a morning swim practice followed by a wet run along the course and then the pièce de resistance a muddy and wet climb up Duplessis! We all enjoyed a well-needed feast at SoCal Kitchen and headed home.

Thank you to all who participated in the camp. We look forward to hosting you all again next year!

Renee won the FREE membership to the Summer FUN Triathlon Program. Our long time TT member just returned from cycling in Mallorca with teammates Pauline and Janet. She said that she is feeling stronger than ever this "rest" year from triathlon. Renee does a regular strength routine, yoga and swims, bikes and runs every week.

Heather Dunn and Francois Menard have been enjoying a fantastic cycling trip. Francois is preparing for his first 5150 at Mt Tremblant. Heather reported...
"You can add me as a client for life.  Still so much to learn about biking but am kicking butt on the hills out here - the “wall of pain” climb 2000+ft elevation has nothing on one of your classes!!  Thank you!!
ps - LOVING the Team Triumph biking shorts!!!"


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