Team Triumph Triathlon Club & Store
Last Minute Tips for Ironman 5150/70.3 Mont Tremblant

I know that many of you Tremblant triathletes are in freak mode. Please know that this is normal. Triathletes generally are high achievers and you all want the best possible result. Try to stay calm knowing that your training is behind you and now it's time to relax and taper! For those of you on Training Peaks with us, your number one goal is to make sure your TSB (Form) score comes up above zero.

  • This is the time to treat your body like gold!
  • Feed it the healthiest whole food, hydrate well daily, foam roll, stretch, do yoga.
  • Have a massage no later than Tuesday.
  • Go to bed earlier the week before so you can switch time zones.
  • Eat earlier in the evening so you are hungrier on race morning when you get up at the crack of dawn. These adjustments will also help you get your morning constitution done before you leave for the race.
  • Rest and recover. At this point, the above tips are what will make you stronger.
  • Check your bike, tune it up, and charge your DI2 batteries and Garmin.
  • Take out your Race Day Checklist and be sure that you have everything for wet, cold, and hot temperatures. Weather patterns can change overnight.

    Here's the link to the checklist
  • When you place your bike in the T Zone the night before, take a picture and memorize your spot.
  • On race morning check your tire pressure and pump up your tires as needed.
  • Please let your support crew know that the Team Triumph cheering zone tent will be in the tent city located near the chapel. Bring your own lawn chairs, snacks and fluids. We will be following you guys on the Ironman tracker app.
  • Don't be late on race morning! Arrive at the beach 45 minutes before so you are relaxed.
  • Have your snack, get in the water, and get used to the temperature.
  • Joke around with your teammates, laugh, smile, and remember to be thankful for being able to do this race when so many people in this world cannot.
  • Be nice to your spouse! He/she has supported you thus far and got up early to be with you. Thank them for being there. Gratitude goes a long way.
  • As you enter the water, start slowly and find that awesome Zone 2 swim form. If you are calm and want to go faster, think about catching stronger, finishing long, and keeping your legs together with a gentle kick.
  • If you panic, use the bumblebee breath that we have been practicing. Thinking about your stroke, doing breaststroke, or holding on to a kayaker can all help if things go sideways.

    As you can see in the picture below of Lionel Saunders, the pros peel the wetsuit down halfway while they are running toward the transition zone.
  • Be sure to leave your swim cap and goggles on until you get to your bike so your hands are free. You can see here that Lionel’s hands are full making it more difficult to bring his wetsuit down halfway :)

After the swim, it's smooth sailing through transition and then match burning control on the bike so you can have a great run!!

Remember smiling makes you race faster!! Have a fabulous race!


Julia Aimers
CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist
CSEP High-Performance Specialist

Certified Triathlon, Cycling, Yoga and Swimming Coach
USA Cycling Level 2 Coach
Training Peaks Accredited Coach

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