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  • The Importance of Writing a Race Report After Your Triathlon

    The Importance of Writing a Race Report After Your Triathlon

    Completing a triathlon is a significant achievement, whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned athlete. After crossing the finish line, while the experience is still fresh in your mind, taking the time to write a race report can be incredibly beneficial for you and your coach. Here's why documenting your race experience is important: 1. Reflection and Learning Writing a race report allows you to reflect on every aspect of your race. This reflection can help you and your coach identify what went well and what didn’t. By analyzing your performance, you can pinpoint areas for improvement, such as pacing, nutrition, or transitions. This self-awareness is crucial for personal growth ....

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  • Creating a Race Plan for Your Big Triathlon: How to Execute for Success

    Creating a Race Plan for Your Big Triathlon: How to Execute for Success

    A successful triathlon requires more than just physical preparation; it demands a well-thought-out race plan. Whether you're gearing up for your first race or aiming for a new personal best, a detailed race plan can help you execute your race with confidence and achieve your desired outcome. Here’s how to create an effective race plan and why it’s essential for triathlon success. Why You Need a Race Plan A race plan acts as a roadmap for your triathlon journey, guiding you through each segment of the race. It helps you: Stay Focused: With a clear plan, you can focus on executing each part of the race rather than making decisions on the fly. Manage Energy: Proper ....

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  • Triumph at Every Turn: Highlights from Team Triumph’s Summer Races

    Triumph at Every Turn: Highlights from Team Triumph’s Summer Races

    The summer is whizzing by at its usual rate, and what a fantastic season it's been! It was wonderful to see so many Team Triumph members when we were back in Canada. Since then, we've been eagerly tracking all our athletes as they tackle races and achieve their goals. Here’s a roundup of their incredible accomplishments: IM Mont Tremblant The athletes at IM 70.3 Tremblant faced some tough weather conditions, but they battled through like champions! Despite the challenges, many completed the swim, while for some, the swim was canceled. The Strava maps were all over the place, but everyone who participated deserves huge congratulations for their perseverance and making it to the ....

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  • Team Triumph Looking for a Swim Coach

    Team Triumph Looking for a Swim Coach

    Team Triumph Triathlon Club is looking for a Swim Coach for Friday Mornings at 6:30am at the Canterbury Pool from September to June. Team Triumph Triathlon Club's mission is to build a strong community of members to train and socialise with. We believe in helping each individual athlete improve their technical skills while getting fit and having fun. We are a leading provider of specialized and tailored Triathlon Coaching. By delivering premium support and training for our varied community, we help our members reach their swimming goals. Team Triumph is designed to accommodate beginners to seasoned triathletes, and Try A Tri competitors to Ironman triathletes. With over 100 active male ....

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  • Racing Triathlon in the Heat: Essential Tips to Beat the Heat and Succeed

    Racing Triathlon in the Heat: Essential Tips to Beat the Heat and Succeed

    Triathlons are challenging endurance events, and racing in hot weather adds another layer of difficulty. Regardless of your race distance, proper preparation and smart strategies are essential for performing your best while staying safe. Here are some key considerations for racing a triathlon in the heat. 1. Hydration is Key Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing heat-related illnesses. Pre-Race Hydration: Start hydrating well before race day. Aim to drink one full bottle of low-carb electrolytes and at least 2-3 litres of water per day in the days leading up to the race. On race morning, drink a bottle of electrolytes and about 250ml of water one ....

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  • Triathlon Training After 50: Navigating the Road to Success with Wisdom and Experience

    Triathlon Training After 50: Navigating the Road to Success with Wisdom and Experience

    Age is just a number, especially for triathletes over 50 who continue to push their limits and redefine what's possible. While the fundamentals of triathlon training remain consistent across age groups, athletes in their 50s and beyond may need to adjust their approach to training to accommodate changes in physiology, recovery capacity, and lifestyle. By understanding the unique considerations and optimizing training strategies, over 50 triathletes can continue to thrive in the sport and enjoy fulfilling athletic endeavors. Training Considerations for Over 50 Triathletes: Prioritize Recovery: As we age, recovery becomes increasingly important for maintaining training consistency and ....

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  • Overcoming Disappointment When Your Race Doesn't Go as Planned

    Overcoming Disappointment When Your Race Doesn't Go as Planned

    Participating in a 70.3 Ironman is a monumental commitment, demanding months of rigorous training, unwavering dedication, and mental fortitude. The anticipation builds as race day approaches, and when the unexpected happens—like adverse weather conditions leading to a shortened or cancelled swim—it can be profoundly disappointing. If you find yourself grappling with such a setback, know that you're not alone. Here's how to handle the disappointment and what steps to take next. Acknowledge Your Feelings It's natural to feel upset, frustrated, or even angry when things don't go as planned. Allow yourself to experience these emotions. Bottling them up or dismissing them can ....

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  • The Hidden Dangers of Low Energy Availability for Triathletes: What You Need to Know

    The Hidden Dangers of Low Energy Availability for Triathletes: What You Need to Know

    Triathlon demands peak physical performance, requiring athletes to push their bodies to the limit across swimming, cycling, and running disciplines. However, achieving optimal performance requires more than just rigorous training—it also hinges on proper nutrition and energy balance. Low energy availability (LEA) is a critical concern in the triathlon community, posing risks to athletes' health and performance. In this blog, we'll delve into the concept of LEA, its potential consequences, signs to watch for, and strategies to mitigate its effects. What is Low Energy Availability (LEA)? Low energy availability occurs when there is an insufficient intake of energy (calories) to meet ....

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  • Ottawa Race Weekend: A Personal Best for Luc Lapensée at 55!

    Ottawa Race Weekend: A Personal Best for Luc Lapensée at 55!

    The Ottawa Race Weekend (ORW) saw a strong showing from our Ottawa Triathlon Club members! Among them, long-time member Luc Lapensée proved that age is just a number, achieving a personal best (PB) in the 10km race. This accomplishment comes after years of dedication to training and racing, including Luc's recent Tokyo Marathon victory, which earned him the coveted World Marathon Majors medal. Luc's Thrilling Race Report: In Luc's own words: "Participating in the Ottawa Race Weekend is always a thrilling experience, and this year was no exception. This is my Home Race, and I am ecstatic to share that I achieved a personal best in the 10 km race, crossing the finish line in a ....

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  • Sweat, Skills, and Celebration: A Look Back at Tremblant Training Camp 2024

    Sweat, Skills, and Celebration: A Look Back at Tremblant Training Camp 2024

    Another incredible Tremblant Training Camp is in the books! With perfect weather gracing the event, our dedicated campers were able to complete the entire program as planned. Huge congratulations to everyone who pushed their limits and trained their hearts out! A Team Effort: A massive shoutout goes to Coaches Kevin, Gabi, and Klara for their incredible dedication. They tirelessly coached as many campers as possible, ensuring everyone received expert guidance throughout the various routes. Building a Strong Foundation: The camp kicked off with a fantastic Nutrition Webinar led by Angela Beare, RD. She delved into the crucial world of fueling for the 70.3 distance, providing ....

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